On today’s episode, I’m sitting down for a candid conversation with my honey. You’ll get to be a fly on the wall as we discuss our relationship, his upbringing, and what he thinks of my activism.
Andrew was born in England and still holds a UK passport, but has spent most of his life an ocean or two away from the old country. Consequently, for him, home is wherever he happens to be, and for the past twenty plus years that has been Longview, Texas. He is the lucky husband of a certain beautiful podcast host, and they have two boys who are rapidly growing into fine young men. Andrew has a career in IT that he’s made up as he’s gone along, and still isn’t entirely sure what he wants to be when he grows up; if he can find a way to pay the bills through some combination of writing, producing, or performing music, that would be just fine!
You can connect with Andrew online:
- https://www.facebook.com/AndrewDuncalfeMusic
- https://www.youtube.com/c/AndrewDuncalfe
- Twitter: @mrDuncalfe