There’s another truth revealed here, too. For black Americans, we are often told in explicit and implicit ways when our acknowledgement and celebration of our blackness is welcome, and when it is not. We are sought out and lauded for athletic prowess and for entertainment, but when we access a facet of our identity that leads us into activism and advocacy, we are smacked down by the dominant culture – told to shut up and dribble.
Tag: identity
Piece 22: A Wrinkle in Time
This post is part of a year-long series. If my work is helpful for you, consider a contribution through Venmo to support this crucial work of unlearning racial bias. Last week, I asked you how you could balance humanizing the victims of police violence while leaving space for the wholeness of their lived experiences. This…
Piece 20: Exceptional
After all, if feminism at its heart is about taking up space, then so must blackness be.