December 3rd is the day! Sly Girl Publishing will be celebrating the launch of Peace by Piece: Unlearning Racial Bias at Books and Barrels in Downtown Longview!
Tag: act
Piece 47: Greenwood Rising
Could the purpose of telling so selective a version of Greenwood’s story be to erase its real history?
Piece 20: Exceptional
After all, if feminism at its heart is about taking up space, then so must blackness be.
Piece 14: Where Does it Hurt?
Our babies, the babies they may have one day, and the babies of those babies – all deserve a future brighter than our present.
Piece 12: About This Right to Vote
As for me and my house, I am the only person who can vote. I have young children and an immigrant husband. My vote represents us all. Your vote represents more people than just you as well
Piece 7: Do Justice
For the past month and a half, I have shared podcast suggestions, movies, TV episodes, and books. Today, I want to point you not toward sources of information to take in, but toward points of action.